Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer Technology Integration Trainings

Summer Technology Integration Training

Our Summer Training Goal is to learn about ways we can use technology tools to integrate into our curriculum. Our plan is to learn new technology tools and to develop lessons that effectively integrate both technology software and/or hardware into our curriculum. We want to incorporate the National Educational Technology Standards, Florida Sunshine State Standards our district software, digital tools and Oncourse to enhance instructional lessons for our digital learners.

Let’s create, collaborate, and share technology this summer!


  • Develop 1 model instructional lesson integrating digital tools to engage, empower, and educate our K-12 students.
  • Lessons need to be aligned with DCPS Learning Schedules, NETS and SSS Standards. Lessons will need to be posted on this Blog.
Please Bring
  • Laptop
  • Curriculum resources for your grade level or content area that might help you create a lesson.

Welcome and Ice Breaker

How can we as learners, use technology to integrate into the curriculum for our digital natives?
Select the Wallwisher Link to answer the question.
Wallwisher - Online Parking Lot to post ideas, thoughts, questions, reminders or etc. online
Intech Wallwisher

Using Technology Tools to Engage Students
Interactive White Board,
Pen Pad,
Doc Camera
Using Easiteach for Technology Integration

Web 2.0 Tools for Collaboration

Google Docs

21st Century Toolkit for the Classroom
Tools for publishing, sharing, and creating. This is a menu you can pick from to learn more about using it in your classroom.

Voice Thread
Foto bubble


Creating Technology Integration Lessons and collaborate with peers.
• Develop 1 model instructional lesson integrating digital tools to engage, empower, and educate our K-12 students.
• Lessons need to be aligned with DCPS Learning Schedules, NETS and SSS Standards.
• Use a Web 2.0 tool and/or another technology tool you learned about today to integrate into they lesson.
• You may use the lesson plan template on the Wiki
• Lessons will need to be posted on this Blog.

Fill out Paperwork for points and stipends


  1. Here is our Summer Training Blog! I hope we can all learn alot and have fun

  2. Looking forward to learning a lot today!

  3. Feeling overwhelmed, but excited to try it all out!
